Getting a bank account confirmation letter has been made easy, gone are those days when you had to go to the bank to request one.

    If you bank with First National Bank (FNB), you can get your account confirmation letter online.

    In this article, we will be guiding you on how you can get your FNB Account Confirmation Letter Online.

    What is a Bank Account Confirmation Letter

    A Bank Confirmation letter is a letter from a bank or financial institution confirming that you have an active account with the bank, it could be a business or personal account.

    It is normally requested by employers for salary purposes or debtors wanting to make sure that money gets deposited to the correct bank account.

    With that being said now let’s get into detail on how you can access the letter if you are an FNB client.

    How to get FNB Account Confirmation Letter Online

    At FNB, an account confirmation letter can be accessed either through the FNB Banking App or via FNB Online Banking.

    Here is how you can get the account confirmation via the FNB banking App:

    1. Log in to your FNB App and select “Accounts.”
    2. Then select “Account Confirmation Letter.”
    3. Proceed to download the confirmation letter.

    Here is how you can get the account confirmation letter via FNB online banking:

    1. Visit the  FNB online banking site, register or log in if you already have an account.
    2. Once in, click on “My Bank Account.”
    3. Select the bank account you need a confirmation letter for.
    4. Click on “Account to Verify.”
    5. Click on “Settings” then “Bank Letters.”
    6. Select “Account Confirmation Letter” and then download.

    Just like that, you will have access to your account confirmation letter. You may choose to forward it to your email address or print it out.

    Remember this is sensitive information, please be sure to follow precautions and ensure the full safety of your bank account. Only share your confirmation letter with the relevant people.

    Read: FNB eWallet Guide: How To Send, Withdraw And Reverse eWallet Payments.


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