What you include in your cv is more important to what you’ll exclude in your writing process.
Your goal is to impress the recruiters and hiring managers with your cv. So please, only include information that’s significant and relates more to the job you’re applying for.
It’s not easy writing the perfect cv but you could boost it by not listing some unnecessary information.
Your competitors won’t see you coming if you exclude the following from your CV:
1. Curriculum Vitae
When you send your document, the recruiter and hiring managers already know it’s curriculum vitae. So, there’s no need for you to include it in the document, only your name as a heading is simply enough.
Check out our free cv templates for some ideas on how to enhance yours. Compliment your existing CV with our free cover letter designs.
2. These Personal Details
Oftentimes, managers expect just your personal contact details on your resume. It’s important not to over-share some details in the document.
You have limited space for important information to include in your cv – don’t waste it with your hobbies, interests, age, sex, etc. They’ll ask for this information in an interview.
A recruiter is going to skim through relevant education and working experience information before knowing about you, so be careful.
3. Old Work Experience
Do not include 10 years of older work experience in your cv. Always keep your document fresh with updated information.
You might also want to create a job-specific cv that includes work experience only relating to specific job posts. This will help you avoid irrelevant work experience information in your cv.
4. Primary and High School
While it’s important to showcase a timeline of your educational background, this information might not be necessary when you’re applying for a job.
If you’ve just left school or matric is your highest certificate, simply highlight the school and showcase your skills and strengths.
5. Salary Expectations
Do not include your current salary in your cv document – never. The goal of your resume is to get you an interview, that’s it. You’ll discuss the rest with the employer during the interview process.
You don’t know what the company has to offer. The hiring company might think you’re over or under-expecting for the role they’re recruiting for. And you’ll not get the opportunity to negotiate your salary expectations for the move.