Use our free student loan calculator below for your affordability assessment.

    South Africans use the calculator to check monthly installments, the interest rate charged, and overall debt.

    It’s always wiser to calculate repayment before taking out a student loan, to better plan your monthly expenses like a pro.

    The following calculator is easy to use and you’ll get a precise estimate on your loan repayment – very useful.

    How to use our loan calculator

    This calculator is very simple to use.

    We’ve designed it to offer instant answers when you need them the most before making your loan application.

    Update the amounts with the values you wish to go for, in terms of applying for the personal loan. As you update the values in the loan calculator, please take note of the totals as they change instantly as you type.

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    Understanding the loan results

    Monthly Payment: This is your estimated monthly installments for the loan amount you’ve entered. If you were expecting a lower monthly installment, you might want to recalculate with a longer repayment term. But there’s a catch, the accrued total interests of your loan will also be higher.

    Total Payment: This is the estimated total amount you’ll have to pay back, with interests.

    Total Interest: Based on the information you provided on the calculator, this is the total interest you’re going to pay for the loan amount. Borrowers with a good credit score usually pay less interest than someone with bad credit.


    Disclaimer: CoMoney is an information website that aims at making your personal finance decisions a success.

    Content in this website are intended for general informational purposes and must not be used as financial advise to address individual circumstances. It’s not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in our website is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!

    We are not a credit intermediary or broker of the consumer loans or the other financial product. We do not sell any financial product, provide consumer loans or financial advice. We are neither a bank nor a credit company. We also do not arrange or mediate the conclusion of any contract. We compare the loan offers and credits. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the provided information.

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