The South African Revenue Service (SARS) offers an electronic platform called eFiling, which allows taxpayers to manage their tax affairs online.
Part of this process involves updating your banking details. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do this with ease:
Getting Started
- Log on to your eFiling profile to begin updating your banking details.
- From your individual profile, click on “Home,” which is located at the top of the page.
Navigating to Registered Details
- Select “SARS Registered Details” from the left menu, followed by “Maintain SARS Registered Details.”
- Carefully read the instructions and click the “I Agree” checkbox to continue.
- Before selecting “Proceed,” ensure that you have a tax subscription.
- After clicking “Proceed,” you’ll be redirected to the Registered Amendment and Verification Form (RAV01).
Updating Bank Details
- Click on “My Registered Particulars” on the left of the screen.
- Then, select “My Bank Accounts.”
- Click “Add New Bank Account” at the top of the form.
- You’ll be prompted to complete your bank account details. After filling them out, click on the “plus+” sign to select your bank from the list.
- After choosing your bank, click the “OK” button, followed by “Done.”
Saving and Reviewing the Updated Information
- The newly added banking details will be displayed on the list. Click “Save,” and the form will be saved.
- You’ll be redirected to the “Registration Work Page.”
- Click on the hyperlink under “Legal Entity Name” to reopen the saved form.
- Once the form is open, select “My Tax Products,” then “Revenue,” and finally “Income Tax.”
- In this section of the form, select the hyperlink on your tax number.
Finalizing the Update
- Your tax type demographic will be displayed. Proceed to “Bank Account Details.”
- The bank details screen will open. Click “Select from my Bank Accounts.”
- Choose the bank account you added and click “OK.”
- Click “Done,” and then “Submit Form.”
Online Verification and Conclusion
- After clicking the “Submit Form” button, you’ll be redirected to the online verification page.
- Choose your preferred method of contact and click “OK.”
- The system will send you a One Time Pin (OTP) via your chosen method of contact.
- Input the last six digits of your OTP and click “Submit.”
- A confirmation message stating “Thank you for submitting your registered details to SARS” will be displayed on the page.
- Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for the submitted details to be processed.
- That concludes the process of updating banking details on the SARS eFiling platform.
For more information or further assistance, you may:
- Visit the SARS website at
- Visit your nearest SARS branch
- Contact your own tax advisor or tax practitioner
- If you’re in South Africa, reach out to the SARS Contact Centre at 0800 00 SARS (7277)
Watch this and other step-by-step tutorial videos on SARS TV YouTube channel, to help navigate eFiling: