Looking for employment in the digital age is far different from how it was just two decades ago.

    Who still walks into business premises, fills out application forms, and gets hired almost instantly? In this day, seeking a job online is where you’re most likely to end up, to get hired fast.

    Although the new way of job hunting has fewer limitations and boundaries, it is vital to take into consideration the complex threats and job scams that happen all over the internet.

    It’s much easier to apply for jobs online via the internet, you can do this from wherever and whenever you want.

    It makes sense that, the more you apply, the higher the chances of landing yourself an interview or better yet a job.

    However, being selective is crucially vital.

    Here are a few tips on how to safely stay on top of your application processes without giving in to the world of job scammers.

    Job Search Websites

    There are plenty of job boards on the internet offering job opportunities in thousands of companies in South Africa.

    Within that list, there are good and bad job search websites that’ll misuse or sell your personal information to third parties.

    Look for reputable sites that offer a privacy policy. There should be a comprehensive privacy policy detailing what information is collected and used on the site.

    If there isn’t a policy, assume that your information is not in good hands – Please run away right now!

    Find a few quality sites to post your resume on as opposed to canvasing plenty of sites that are inadequately managed.

    When you create and save an online profile, always ensure you’re using a strong password unique to that company’s website and application

    Email Structure

    Always observe the structure of an email, If the email in question contains a number of errors, that on its own is a red flag.

    Do not engage in it or open any attachments that come with it.

    Also, observe the email address to which to send applications. If it’s a Gmail address, do not waste your time in sending your resume for the job.

    Legit opportunities always come from company domains that look like careers@helloyouth.co.za and not helloyouth@gmail.com.

    Social Media

    While social media plays a huge role in today’s age, it’s one of the best and safest ways of applying for jobs.

    But be careful of what you share with your network on social media. Hiring managers sometimes verify your personality using your social media accounts.

    And most importantly, job scammers always create fake company pages and post job opportunities that don’t exist. So always apply at a verified company or at least with correct contact details.

    Contact Details

    Providing contact information such as cell phone numbers, home addresses, and any other personal information may not necessarily be the best move.

    Your email address is enough to get the hiring company gets in touch with you. If your other personal information is accessed by scammers, it may be abused.

    Rather set up an email account specifically for your job hunt to further limit the misuse of your contact information.

    Pay for Interview

    Any legit recruiting or hiring company will never ask you to pay anything to secure the interview.

    No recruiter will ask you for any form of finance during or after the application process. Be mindful of this to eliminate any further harm to your personal financial state.

    Credit & Background Checks

    If an employer requests your ID number to conduct credit and background checks before hiring you. Only provide this information once you’ve had your interview and you’re genuinely interested in working there.

    You do not necessarily need to include your ID number in your resume for the job application. You can include your age or date of birth but not your ID number until the interview process.

    Device Protection

    Always update your device protection and be aware of other ways scammers attempt to enter a vulnerable space.

    Be wary of how you connect to the Internet. A public Wi-Fi connection can make it much easier for others to monitor your activities including the information you give out to recruiters.

    There honestly are many legitimate opportunities available online however there are also plenty of scams that can result in considerable stress and financial loss for unsuspecting individuals.

    Use these tips and experience an easier and pleasant job hunt. Good Luck!



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